There's points rummy, loved by some, then there is deals rummy which is admired by the others. But players who love both or often get confused in choosing the rummy variant, they go to pool rummy. Pool rummy is a rummy variant which is an amalgamation of points rummy and deals rummy. Pool rummy comes in two variants as well, 101 pool rummy and 201 pool rummy. Most of the rummy game app has these variants.
Rummy is an excellent card game that involves a lot of strategies to win. Online Rummy has given the players the flexibility to play any version anytime, and that is the reason why we see a surge in players playing card games online. Because of some unknown reasons, most of the beginners switch to points rummy or deals rummy, and pool rummy is often alienated by them. However, despite being a lengthy game, pool rummy is the most fun to play and gives you the opportunity to turn the tables after having a bad hand, unlike points rummy.
In this article, you will learn about the differences between pool rummy and other variants of rummy. In what ways these rummy versions are similar and what are the things that makes them distinct.
Number of Rounds
Unlike pool rummy and deals rummy where a player plays a single round or a fixed number of deals, respectively The pool rummy variant of the game does not have a fixed number of rounds decided before the game.
Time duration
The time to finish a pool rummy game is considerably more than other variants of rummy. It is often referred as the exhausting version of rummy because it takes a lot of time to finish, especially when it is played between six players. Pool rummy finishes after all the players except one are eliminated from the table upon reaching certain points limit which is 101 or 201 depending on the pool rummy variant chosen. That one player is declared as the winner.
Drop Option
Drop option is available in all the variants of rummy including pool, points and deals, however there are certain differences. For example, you cannot drop in deals rummy when you are playing one opponent. In points rummy 20 and 40 points are deducted for the first and middle drops, respectively. The same applies to 101 pool rummy. However, 201 pool rummy deducts 25 points when you drop before playing your hand and 50 points when you drop in the middle of the game.
Now the question arises, which one is better in rummy game online? It totally depends on the player. But you might like pool rummy more when you wish to play for a longer period of time. Although all the variants of rummy provide utmost entertainment, pool rummy can sometime succeed other variants in terms of enjoyment.